Wednesday, February 26, 2020

CQ WW 160m SSB 2020 as OL7M in M/S

Because we had to dismantle all our 9 BVRGs on Monday, we decided to participate in SSB part of CQ WW 160 contest. We used a standard setup IC7800 + IC7600, without in-band station. We hoped for good conditions to NA, but unfortunately they did not take place this time, SRI. During the contest our QTH was again in extremely bad weather – huge rain and storm with wind around 100 km per hour. Because of the weather and for some technical problems we lost over 1 hour in the prime US time. Even so, we are finally satisfied with 27 US/VE multipliers what is decent for this year CONDX. No west coast state at all. Best DX from NA is WD5R from AR and AA0RS from CO.

Despite the average conditions we managed a few nice DX QSO – TI1T, PP5JR, YC0LOU, 7C1B and ODX LU8DPM, which is 12.110km. Thanks guys !

Unfortunately, we were very disappointed by the absence of leading stations from the category Multi on There were no stations such HG8DX, US1Q, UA7K, PJ4G and others .... Of course, it is  completely voluntary, but next time in this situation we will think very well, whether we will use it again or not. It is a pity, but probably not yet the right time for on line score ....

Anyway, we enjoyed the contest to the fullest and it was great time!  

We would like to thanks the organizers for their efforts and we really hope and believe, that as like CQ WW CW/SSB/RTTY and CQ WPX CW/SSB/RTTY this year Public Logs from CQ WW 160 will be also available. Thanks!

Thanks a lot to all stations for your calling !

20m old stack after storm
160m Icom line

Monday, February 10, 2020

CQ WPX RTTY 2020 as OL9A in SO-80M

RTTY is fun :) So WPX was another contest to play this RYRYRY game. We do have EU record as OL7M in MS, Pavel OK1MU EU record in SOAB and my WORLD record on 80m HP and SOAB as OL9A. So which category? We do not have rotary 40m antenna now, so no way for SOAB, low bands are the best choice this year... Lets see if I can increase score of my world record. Conditions on the low bands were great last months and all antennas are ready included 10 beverages. I could use only 8 of tham but still it is nice number.

I had to repair IP switch system for beverages but I demaged one controller a few hours before the contest:( So firts night I had the same beverages for both TRXs. I found mistake on Saturday afternoon and repaired it. It worked somehow... 

I also had problem with N1MM+, I was not able to switch on Online-score. When I turn it on, than log stopped working :( also DXC did not show 80m spots :) So I connected another PC in network and run both on it.

Contest started with lower numbers of QSOs. I did have good signal in NA on RBN but not as many takers as I expected. First night I made 486 QSO - 356 WPX - 2226 points = 792 456 on score.
Second night there were strong signals from NA, sounded like 40 or 20m, but in about 2 UTC someone switched NA off :( Or no takers from NA? Second night total: 965 QSO - 586 WPX - 4368 points = 2 559 648 on my score table.

Total count of NA: 226 x K + 25 x VE compare to 229 x NA in 2017.

I made more NA than last time when the world record were achieved, but missing EU. I also found big problem with EU stations. I had to repeate RST many times in maybe 40% of stations I called... 

Missing 56 x DL, 23 x SP, 15 x OK, 10 x I etc. compare to 2017.

Nice to be called by Alan VK7BO, Graham VK7ZO, Bill ZL3VZ, Francisco TG9ANF, Robert T6A, Preston DU6/N6SS, and others.
And two times spotted by WH7W skimmer :)

IC-7800 and IC-7600
8 beverage antennas
4SQ of sloping dipoles and
dipol in 20m

Congrats to Mac SP2XF as SN2M for nice score and new SP record.

And BIG thanks to Pavel OK1MU for food service and help befor and after the contest!

Thanks for the nice virtual fight to Mac SP2XF as SN2M and Jan OK1NP as OL4C
Something almost impossible - spots from KH6 skimmer on 80m RTTY!