EA RTTY test OL9A, spring is coming... work, work
Spring is here! We hope! :) We planted a cherry tree last week which started our 4th trees' line. This week I was alone at QTH. I was feeling really ill but I had some planes... First of all there was problem in the kitchen. I removed the sink and glued the desk. Than I placed sink back on silicon paste.
I do have a lot of planes with the INBAND system. The main problem is the coax line. We have to go through the field and than about 200m via the old unkempt wood. Our inband will be just for RX and I use old army 75 Ohm coax. There wil be antennas for all bands and wifi remote switching - more in the next articles :)
Bees are already working faster than me! :)

And finally there was EA RTTY contest! I wanted to run EA PSK contest before, but I was ill :( I was not feeling well in RTTY part too, but I had run! :) WX was nice so I spent a few hours in the wood with the inband coax and than setuped the station. Conditions looked fine during the first day and I made 292 QSOs. As the last times... made W6 CA stations was more easy than EC stations! We have to play with another antennas for that !?! I waked up in 3:00 UTC. Just looked at my IC-7800 waterfall and turned around in the bed :) Scope was simply black. The same after 30min, next 30min and and.. Band opened in abt 05:00 UTC but really slowly and not as well as I expected... QSOs had too big QSB and I am sorry too many stations I did not logged into log. The same NA later afternoon, no big opening! Only a few stations with WC " vibrating " sound from EC. Anyway nice contest and nice rare DXCC on RTTY. Thanks all for call! Just one thing at the end. I wanted to go for the new record, but it will not be easy with the change of rules - now all QSOs are 1 point, before change there were 2 points outside own continent? CU next time!

* plus one EAP for HQ, log did not know it?