Monday, November 14, 2016

OK-OM DX CW contest 2016 as OL7M MS

After a many years in SOSB categories, we chose the  M/S category for the first time. Despite the bad conditions (A-17 and SFI-76) we enjoyed the contest a lot. We run in 5 OPs: Franta OK1DF, Standa OK1CID, Olda OK1YM, Pavel OK1MU and Jan OK2ZAW. Thanks to Jan OK2ZAW, who done an excellent job and ALL the equipment worked perfectly! 10m band was death, just 5 QSO, 15m poor to NA, but some good RUN to JA, 20m+40m fair condition. Good CONDX on 160 and 80m with nice opening to JA on TOP band. Totally worked 330 x NA, 90 x JA and 121 x UA9.  Btw 130 QSO with NR. 001 – many thanks guys! Nice signal on 40m form Sam FK8DD and Jack 5R8SV on 10/15/20m.    
More info and photos:

Thank you all for the QSOs and see you in CQWW CW !

73 Pavel OK1MU

Sunday morning

Franta OK1DF

Some repairing on 15m rotator


BIG and small H-frames :) 10 and 2m

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A few weeks before CQ WW SSB - flying HB9CV

   When I came to QTH a few weeks ago I found broken top HB9CV for 20m. We decided to make some changes on it and we tried to take it down and up. Together with Dan we climbed to the tower and did anything we need to do... but unfortunately we made "small mistake" with the loop of the rope and than.. noooo, antenna is flying from 15m to the ground.


 New special aerodynamic antenna design

   What we could do, we could just smile :) So Thanks to Ondra OK1CDJ who bought new 3m of 30/2mm Al pipe and I could repair it. So last weekend we starter with some beef and port steaks...
I spent whole Saturday with the solar system repairing, some work on the new tower and so on. On Sunday I repaired HB9CV and Ondra OK1CDJ and Pavel OK1MU walked around the QTH and built beverages. Really hard work, 12,5 km of walking there and back, there and back :)

   Now we have to build rest beverages, connect it, test it and after long hours we hope to have ready 160m and 20m for CQ WW SSB 2016 for the two SOSBs. See you there and GL to all! 

 Lets make the evening better!


Saturday, October 15, 2016


Thanks to CT3 Madeira Contest Team! And all for QSO!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Some more work on TWR7...

   There are some more photos of the working on TWR7:

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Upgrading internet link with 10GHz link

   Because of the high QRM in 5.7GHz WiFi we started to have problems with internet stability and latency. We had our private link, than we were connected to AP with another clients and there were still a lot of problems. Main one was with our remote station using.

   I had a luck and gained old 30Mbit FD 10GHz link. It is quite slow technology for modern ISP but it is fine for us! :) So now we have got better last mile link + new WX station and the next step will be fiber cables between houses and from TWR...

Our ISP JVnet

OL7M side: fiber media converter + IF modem


 Arduino fo WX station, code by Mike OK8XX

Redundant PS from 48V to 16V - WX station