Sunday, November 4, 2018

Tower 7: 20+15m Christmas tree is done

   I wanted to go home early :) It was Sunday and me and my girlfriend had some family plans... But we are thinking and Policko (OL7M) is changing :) So during one hour (!) from first "lets go" we did have 5el for 20m on the tower. Than? It is time to go home or finish last 6el for 15m and place it at the tower? Well, lets prepare coax, some final screws and after less than 3 hours our last antenna is there.

   Our new stack 5/5 for 20m is done and the same 6/6/6 for 15m. Last thing must be done... special phasing lines.
    Antennas are designed by Justin G0KSC. First 6el for 21MHz has 14,785m boom and antennas for 20m 15,668m.

   Snow can come :)

Monday, October 22, 2018

New Top band vertical and 15m stack

   Last weekend we do have really a lot of work. On Friday and Saturday morning we finished two 6el for 15m design by Justin G0KSC and when the 50m high crane came we started erecting new Vertical for 160m band. It is 40 x 40 cm tower 35,4m high with the tuning Al tube on top - 60mm 7m long. The rest 120 radials, lambda/4 long each are from the old one. After that we placed two 15m antennas on the tower number seven. Last 5el for 20m and last 6el for 15m are waiting on the ground for the "final" work :)

Thanks a lot for help to Pavel OK1MU, Standa OK1CID, Ondra OK1CDJ, Jarda OK1XUB, Vlada OK1CW, Slavek OK1CU, Martin OK1UGA and young firemen team :)

NEW OL7M look 20th Oct. 2018

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Summer 2018 at OL7M Policko QTH

Well summer is over. There are some picture from our OL7M QTH. We spent a lot of time there, but we did not make a lot of work. Why, because almost all days the WX was over 30°C and it was very hard to work outside...

Finaly we made new warehouse, nice CALL Sign Post, new road entrance, new antennas for new stacks, new 160m band vertical and a lot of more...

Callsign post


NEW TOP band vertical

See you next time :)