Tower 7: 20+15m Christmas tree is done
I wanted to go home early :) It was Sunday and me and my girlfriend had some family plans... But we are thinking and Policko (OL7M) is changing :) So during one hour (!) from first "lets go" we did have 5el for 20m on the tower. Than? It is time to go home or finish last 6el for 15m and place it at the tower? Well, lets prepare coax, some final screws and after less than 3 hours our last antenna is there.
Our new stack 5/5 for 20m is done and the same 6/6/6 for 15m. Last thing must be done... special phasing lines.
Antennas are designed by Justin G0KSC. First 6el for 21MHz has 14,785m boom and antennas for 20m 15,668m.
Antennas are designed by Justin G0KSC. First 6el for 21MHz has 14,785m boom and antennas for 20m 15,668m.
Snow can come :)