Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Alpe Adria VHF 2019 - Windberg 1903m JN77TQ

   After a long years I have joined a friends and went to Alpe Adria VHF contest to Windberg, 1903m, in JN77TQ. Together with Ondra OK1CDJ, Jan OK1ZHS, Mira OK2VZE and Zdenek OK3BAZ.

We used czech made R2CW transceiver with 10el Yagi powered from Lipo battery.
ODX: PA2CHR 826km. Score: 152QSO and 40731 points.

 Morning way to the top hil

Fun with 2m APRS: Baofeng with 4W, ODX 323km :)
Windberg 1903m