Wednesday, July 27, 2016

RX ANTs KITs: Bi-Dir beverage + K9AY loop switch

   The winter time is closer and closer and it is time to start working on Low-Band RX antennas. We made some KITs of Bi-Directional beverage and K9AY loops RX antennas which we use at OL7M. You can find it on our web There are PCBs, KITs or assembled ones. Look also into the WiKi for more detailes!

 Bi-Directional beverage: One or Two outputs
 K9AY loop RX antenna feeder: fixed or variable Rload

More parts soon: 
- K9AY switch with 3 BPF and preamp
- 9 RX antennas switch with 3 BPF and preamp
- contollers

Monday, July 25, 2016

Summer at OL7M: new TWR ... part 1

   There are some pictures from last weeks. We are working on new TWR 7 for 15m and 20m fixed stacks to NA and also maybe full size 4el for 80m :) It will be about 37m high.

 Acu for solar power. almost 30 years over the life time :) 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

OL6HQ IARU HQ contest 2016: 15m CW from OL7M

   Again, after a year, we run 15m CW as OL6HQ in the IARU HQ contest. The condx was terrible (SFI = 78 and A = 23 ... ). There were no signals from NA and JA last 3 days before the contest...

   Finally we are satisfied, worked 105 DXCC, 107 OK and only 200 NA and 20 JA.

Mult and Run station. IC-7600 and IC-7800

Petr OK2CQR and Pavel OK1MU


Our team on the next twr.

Team: Petr OK2CQR, Dan OK1HRA, Pavel OK1MU, Jan OK2ZAW and Standa OK1CID