Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 2m Es 3.6. 2024 (remote from SV2 holiday)

Yesterday, as part of our holiday in Greece, we visited the ruins of the ancient city of Olynthus. This monument reveals the remains of a city more than 3,000 years old. It's unbelievable that even back then they were able to build a 13km long water pipe to feed the fountain :) Today it would not be possible without the supermarket - development of society :) And it is also the development that can't be stopped - in a few moments I could see the remote desktop of my PC on my remote QTH. Something told me to connect and have a look and I couldn't stop wondering - CQ OD5VB. Beautiful signal, QSOs would be possible on SSB, but I'm not equipped for that. So at least FT8. The contact is made in a minute. Ant OD5VB disappears again in the noise. The distance is a nice 2450 km. Interestingly, after a while Pavel OK1ADT from the nearby QTH in Pardubice makes contact, but there is complete silence on the band for me.
After a while 4X/OM2IB and 4X1GA appear. Both only in one period.

Monday, June 3, 2024

First 2m Es in 2024 2.6. (remote from SV2 holiday)

After long months, the long awaited Es on 144MHz arrived. We are spending our holidays in Thessaloniki SV2 at the QTH of Ondra OK1CDJ, where I am active with little HF equipment. In the morning of the 2.6. 2024 I was in QSO with Pavel OK1ADT and we were discussing sadly about bad CONDX, when suddenly I saw CQ UA1ASA KO48 on 2m. Contact was made in a minute. In the meantime I watched 4m and the band opened up nicely to the north.
There is hope for Es on 2m as well. In the afternoon we drive to the centre of Thessaloniki and I forget to charge my mobile phone. I try the remote desktop to my OL7M remote site and the band is full of EA stations! I try to call one and it works. But the phone is dead, so I only manage to call a couple of stations - I'm not using AUTO! I still manage a couple of EAs and IS0. The Es took a surprisingly long time. I still hear some stations even after returning from the city. 
I also managed to find a lot of new stations on 4m. 

144MHz RIG: Adalm Pluto + 2m front-end + 70W PA + 12el G0KSC @ 15m

2m QSO 3.6. 2024
2m PSK reporter 2.6. 2024
4m PSK reporter 2.6. 2024
4m QSO 3.6. 2024